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rowena from derma bella skin studio in santa cruz.png

Looking for a holistic skin roadmap without getting an in person facial?


Do you want more affordable, home care options while still getting incredible, lasting results?

 Find out about our affordable and effective 30 minute face mapping.

Each facial zone represents an organ and the internal imbalances that often reveal themselves on the skin. Our breakthrough skin mapping ritual, will permit the body to tell us exactly what it needs to create age reversal, repair skin damage, and restore your skin, body, and overall well-being to an optimal state of health. 


Through personalized guidance, and expert home care and in studio service recommendations,  your journey toward creating real visible changes in the skin will be fully mapped out in this one session.

Before and After


Get customized, affordable support to achieve your skin goals!

Chrissy Jacobs and Rowena Arnold from Derma Bella Skin Studio in Santa Cruz_edited.jpg

 "I was so overwhelmed by all the skin care advice out there. Now, I have a targeted approach that WORKS and is tailored just for me.”

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